Sunday, 1 April 2012

Avoid Being an April Fool on april fools day

April Fools Day, April 1, is a day of lightheartedness, foolishness, and frivolity. It's also one of my favorite days of the year. Probably millions of harmless practical jokes are played on this day, and some of them may be directed at you. How do you avoid being tricked, or at least over tricked?

First of all, remember that it is April 1st, and take everything with a grain of salt. Expect silly things to happen and just go with the flow of it. Do not trust much of anything, including emails, phone calls, coworkers, and family.

Also remember the festivities really last more than a day. Some magazines I read always have a fake article, something truly absurd usually backed up by made up scientific research, in each April's issue. This may show up in late March or early April, not always on April first itself.

Be aware of jokes but don't be paranoid. Having someone pull a silly stunt on you doesn't make you a fool if you are having fun with it. Expect the unexpected and enjoy.

You might also consider some of your own April Fools stunts. There are plenty of silly things you can do that are fun and lighthearted, but be careful. For example a fake resignation letter at work might result in your losing your job, even if you put someone else's name on it. Make sure that whoever you are pulling jokes on will take them in the right spirit or at least in stride.

I'm not sure if I'll be an April Fool but I'll be foolish! See some of my other articles at Harley Davidson Watches or I write on both silly and serious topics, but try to find some humor in everything.


  1. The most hated event mostly for foolish beings celebrated since April 1st symbol of frivolous jokes and teasing is the the false holidays of all time. Thanks! From:Wayne

  2. The event has been suspended due to circumstances for 10 years cancelled for a long time no fooling no jokes no teasing around forever. Thanks! From:Wayne

  3. No Fooling No Joking around the event is suspended for a long time.
    Thanks! From:Wayne

  4. April Fools Day:R. I. P. Rest in Peace!
    Thanks! From:Wayne
